www.healthybalanceddiet.org Foods that Increase the Risk of Cancer ï¶ Fried Foods Fried foods such as potato chips, onion rings and French fries contain unhealthy hydrogenated oil which is known as trans fats. These foods when eaten at a regular basis not only increase the risk of developing cancer but also raise our cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Aside from this, foods that are fried are often at high temperatures which have acrylamide. Acrylamide is the byproduct of the process of deep-fat frying. Acrylamide is a carcinogen and neurotoxin that have negative effects on the body. ï¶ Sweetened Drinks Sweetened drinks with artificial sweeteners such as juices and soft drinks contain refined sugar and possess high glycemic loads. Sugar is the ideal source of carcinogens in our body and can help in the development of tumors or tumor growth. ï¶ Alcoholic Drinks Drinking alcoholic drinks in moderation is considered safe but if drank in excessive amounts, a person is at ! risk of developing not just cancer but different types of cancer such as cancer of the breast, colon, liver, mouth and the esophagus. ï¶ Charred Meat Foods that are burned or overcooked especially meats that are cooked at high temperatures create heterocyclic aromatic amines which are a type of carcinogen. Foods especially carbs, organic plants or animal products that get burned during cooking are noticeably black in colors which is a sign that toxins are released and byproducts that have mutated are ...